Sabtu, 07 Juli 2007

Muscle Building Supplements

You Need To Properly Train AND Diet To Build Muscle or Burn Fat
I have unfortunately received emails from people who mistakenly believe that their training program is PERFECT, so they ask for the proper diet to finally promote significant results. But how in the world can someone KNOW that their training or diet is effective when they aren't making any progress? If you aren't building muscle or burning fat, more than likely you are making MANY diet AND training errors that PREVENT your body from producing results. Supplement companies try to rob you blind with unsubstantiated claims and worthless products, but they are not even the worst enemy -- it is YOUR TRAINING AND DIET PROGRAM THAT MUST CHANGE, as otherwise, you will continue to achieve NOTHING, regardless of the time or effort you put forth. It's a very simply concept -- if your current routine is not producing results, then it is time to force your body to transform through a new and effective eating and exercise strategy, one which requires NO worthless SUPPLEMENTS or dangerous DRUGS.
Do NOT Confuse Muscle Strength With Muscle Mass!
People have told me that they gain strength using certain techniques (such as HIT, also known as "High Intensity Training"), but do not grow in muscle size, and this seeming contradiction must confuse many who aim to improve their physique. It is very important that you do NOT mistake strength gains with muscle building, as you may find yourself using a significantly higher weight in all exercises six weeks after starting a new routine, but have yet to gain any measurable muscle mass, and this will cause you to believe that waiting a few weeks longer will allow muscle size to "catch up" with strength improvements. However, it will prove to be a very long, disappointing few weeks if you take this approach, because your muscle size will not change! Do not mistakenly believe that a routine is "working" just because you are now bench pressing more than you were a few weeks ago, because the only way to determine if your routine is providing legitimate progress is to MEASURE muscle growth (I will teach you how this is done). You can gain strength AND muscle size SIMULTANEOUSLY if you eat and train correctly, but there are routines that will actually cause your strength to improve with little associated muscle size increases (such as H.I.T., as well as others), and this is a very important distinction that you must realize. AYUB ANSHARI&pid=ezine
If You Cannot Measure New Muscle Gains Or Fat Loss EVERY WEEK, Then You MUST Change Your Routine!
Some people mistakenly believe that it takes many weeks or sometimes months for a program to provide noticeable change, so they continue tinkering with the same ineffective system, just waiting for the day when their body begins to experience this dramatic surge of progress. But in reality, the only variable is food intake, and when you are consuming the proper amount for muscle gains or fat loss (I will teach you exactly how to determine this through measurements, as it differs based on individual metabolism), then you should achieve muscle gains or fat loss on a WEEKLY basis. Not every month, not even every two weeks, but rather WEEKLY. Begin using the correct training AND diet methods, and suddenly, you will begin to notice your body changes every seven days, like clockwork! When you feel the need for a break or reach a plateau on a muscle building phase (a sign that you need less volume), you reset your body with lower workload for several weeks, where you maintain new muscle and recharge your body and mind, once again achieving results on a weekly basis when you increase intensity of workouts, and this special cycling process continues until you reach your genetic potential. Fat loss is a string of weekly improvements until the day you reach your genetic limits!
My Own Story AYUB ANSHARI&pid=ezine
Before beginning to lift weights, my arms measured 12.5 inches flexed, and my chest 35 inches relaxed, at 6'2" in height and 130 pounds (extremely thin). I aimed to transform my naturally skinny frame into a muscular, cut physique (VERY low body fat -- abs totally visible) without the help of steroids or growth hormones. After years of trying, it appeared as if drug use was a prerequisite for building an impressive body...until I found the proper training and diet plan. I now know that tremendous results don't stem from a worthless supplement bottle or dangerous drug injection, but rather through effective diet and training philosophies. Why? Because with over 15 years of trial and error behind me, I have achieved a very high level of muscle mass with the help of food and weights...NOT DRUGS OR SUPPLEMENTS. I gained 6 inches on my arms and 12 inches on my chest so fast that I have stretch marks to prove it, and have helped countless people worldwide to build muscle or lose fat (many testimonials are shown below). How?

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